Mounting an enclosure?

Its Poplar/Fiberglass:

Is this ok?

You’re just snugging them. Not putting 30 foot pounds of torque on them…i was more concerned with the spikes on the t nuts. Those aren’t fiber glass friendly…

I see, what would you suggest ?

There are several tnuts available without the prongs. Then you just epoxy them in place instead of pounding the prongs into the fiberglass

Ok how about this then:

along with the same screw i linked earlier:

Puuurfect! Those will work nice and if you grip over them you wont even be able to tell they’re there.

Nice thanks, however it came with grip tape, is it worth re-doing or might it be fine above the grip tape?

It’s fine. I personally wouldn’t worry about it. If they’re not black and it bugs you, you could always paint them black too. Or if you decide to, a grip tape job would cost you 8 bucks.

Nice thanks for the info. I’ll just leave it there for now I could always redo the tape later if needed.

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First of all, sorry if this is the wrong sub-forum, wasnt sure where to put this! :smiley: As the title states, I’m looking to permanently mount my battery box, but am unsure how to.

These are the options i’ve considered: Bore holes all the way through the deck, and doing a nut & bolt setup, as i’ve done with the trucks. Just use a screw and let it screw into the board.

Im thinking boring the holes might be better, since screwing a screw into the board would expand the wood, and maybe creating a weak point.

So what should i do?

Regards, Leonardvdj

Just screwing into the board might not be a good idea, you could work with inserts if you don’t like to drill through the board though.

Has anyone attached a whole enclosure or even just a access hatch with neodymium magnets? Just wondering if it can hack the vibrations.

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I prefer screwing it in. As long as you screw it in and you don’t keep unscrewing it’s perfectly fine.

A bolt/nut work great it’s just hard to remove if you ever wanted too. Inserts would be a great ideas well but aligning everything so they fit properly can be a bit difficult as well.

I tried N-magnets before but they’ll come off.

I prefer the following methods:

  • Screws w/ Slide Enclosure
  • Bolt/Thumb Nut would be the simpler/easiest option.
  • Bolt/Lock Nut would be the most reliable.

Does anyone know what the wood screw inserts are called in German? I have no idea how to search for them.

insert nuts, if you put it into google or ebay loads come up, but that one in the pic looks like an expensive one


Threaded Inserts in English, don’t know German so… Be sure to get steel, the brass inserts fall apart.

threaded inserts search did the trick! Steel, check. good to know :+1:

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Talking about rattle - does anyone pad the inside of the enclosure? I dont want to make it too snug but I don’t like rattle and the roads here arent amazing? Neoprene?

A lot of people use thin yoga mats. I have used a water proof foam packing material, usually pink, but no clue what it’s called.

Mostly I just pad the batteries and secure everything else with 3m double stick tape.

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