Life-threatening accident because of ESC (maybe even VESC)?

I can recommend to buy a motorcycle jacket with elbow, shoulder and back protector. There are many on the market which looks like a normal jacket. And for our speeds a textile Jacket is enough. And these protectors make such a big difference. Last time my board send me flying at 40 km/h i only got some scratches and a painful hand because my gloves were shit. And when i look at the jacket i don’t want to think of how my body would have looked like without it.


Great idea! I’m going to buy it. Do you also wear wrist protection?

No I don’t. Maybe that’s a good idea. And for me the most important protector beside the helmet is the back protector. Just imagine you go flying and land with your back first on the sidewalk. And always wear a helmet. I had 2 bad crashes with my Longboards and both would have ended badly without the helmet because that was the part that took the biggest impact. And don’t underestimate the speed. I had a crash with a motorcycle into a car at 55 km/h and broke my spine, hip, each rip on the left side multiple times, destroyed the joint in my shoulder and knee and lost a kidney and don’t forget all the inner bleeding at different organs. And I am not made of glass. Once I went to a new doctor and showed him the x-ray and CT pictures. He got really load and angry because he thought I am a medicine student and want to make a joke on him. He said he sees 3 different injuries that would be enough to let that person die. He only beleaved me after he saw the scars of the surgerys. So just take the protection a bit more serious. And you have to be aware that when you crash in a car at 50 km/h it is 8 times the force than if you would crash with 25 km/h.


wrist is important, but I have trouble holding the controller with wrist guards on…

I agree, but at this point I have screws & bolts in my wrist and hand and trying to figure out a doable solution. After a dozen surgeries, I’d hate to break the hardware in those areas and have to go through more surgeries. Remarkably I’m still riding! Don’t know if I’m foolish or just addicted:)

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So your esc shut down and your brakes flew you off the board? Do you think if you would have fallen in a safer way you would have avoided those injuries?

I’ve been using a VESC ever since that crash and I can confirm it coasts if the connection breaks. I repeat, it does NOT brake upon connection loss.

I fall pretty well. Always have, but when the brakes engaged, the jerk alone screwed up my back and nothing could have helped that. I do believe if I was wearing gear it would have prevented a ton of stitches and some of the broken bones. It was summer in Santa Monica and I was in shorts and a tshirt. I blame myself for that and no excuse. With that being said…I still will never cruise at 30mph. Not even with gear. A lot of people have questioned why Casey Neistat does not wear a helmet or gear and I have the answer for that. He hasn’t had a really bad fall yet.

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This is great news! I do know from building drones there are multiple failsafes to set. One in the controller, receiver, and flight controller(which obviously does not apply).

I’ve had one lockup and that was in the early days - due to insecure motor wires - one touched another and caused a glitch. Not too fast.

You may notice in other threads that I gear my boards down to not go over 22-25 mph - physically - even if the electrics went wide open the board can’t go any faster.

I mostly ride at speeds where I can get off in an emergency.

Must wear my helmet more…

I’ve eaten the bush couple times due to brakes not responding on Steez, but you get used to handle every braking with backup option

I got streeted the other day, and it sucks! I was running dual vesc x, benchwheel, v 2.5’s. The only thing that I can think of that might have contributed to it is the fact that I was messing around with the settings in the day or so before this happened. I dont have the board with me right now, but I believe I set it up like this: Motor max 40, motor min -40 Batt max 20 batt min -8 absolute max 130

I know my batt max setting is a bit low. When it happened I was pretty much going full throttle up a hill. What happens when you exceed the Batt max setting?

nothing. It throttles it and doesn’t allow any more current than that to get through, basically.

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That is what I thought would happen… Now I lost faith in my esk8’s… The board worked fine before and after this happened, so Idkwtf.

only those you trust can betray you.

in this situation my immediate reflex is to blame the remote. I’ve got more faith in carvons and vesc-xs than i ever would a benchwheel remote.

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This is the first issue I have had with them, I have a couple benchwheel’s… It is shitty that we are forced to trust our lives to a $40 POS from china. Is there such thing as a bombproof remote?

What was the remote brand ? Also did anyone ever had problems with MINI REMOTE ? It seems like it’s one of the TOP reliable remotes out there.

Can’t speak from longterm experience but so far mine has been perfect. The general consensus is that it’s right up there in terms of reliability with the GT2B

Mine too !! It works like a charm to be honest. It never broke the signal…it just always works.

Steeze with mods can withstand impact and in my opinion is as reliable as the GT2Bs regarding drop outs and safety stuff. I have them for $75 and if you find a better price from a retailer i’ll match it.

GT2Bs are the king of reliability. The form factor sucks though, so choose your mod wisely and be carful when you install it. If you stick with the original trigger remote, don’t drop it too much. I’ve shattered probably 5 of them. They do just go right back together though with some hot glue or tape. they’re $20 at hobby king.

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