Is there a PC part picker type of website but for esk8 parts?

Thanks for the encouragement! An angular lead dev would probably scorn me for some of the things I did here, but that’s the great thing about working alone :wink:

Given you have some Java background you’d probably actually like Angular especially Angular 2+ ( I’m using the 1.x variant here, it’s basically a JS framework that reads the HTML and binds data from the JS into the HTML. It also gives you dependency injection which is a big thing in the Java (enterprise) world. Angular 2 they adopted TypeScript which is a Microsoft technology that is basically a superset of ECMAScript 6 (the latest JS tech) and adds optional Types like you have in Java (String, Number, StringBuilder, FileStream etc.) and allows you to define classes and do other things that more “highly developed” languages can do (then through some black magic they convert it back into JS so it works in a regular browser). Anyhow all the stuff basically makes developing “web-apps” or “hybrid applications” a lot easier (especially with big teams) despite being a ton of stuff to learn up front (obviously I’m an advocate :slight_smile: ).

np, keep up the good work. You’ve got something good here. One month before school starts, I’m ready to get back to Java class so I can get on your level.

Good to see another Angular dev on the forums :slight_smile:


Hey everyone just posted this last night to github so other people can actually contribute to it:

Currently no backend it’s just front end with some JS files that have the data for display in them, all that data could be moved to some backend system basically and then can have forms that submit data to the backend system and are flagged for review so they don’t show up in the main data until someone has verified it isn’t just spam. For the time being I’ll just do the verification myself but would be good to see if anyone is interested in taking on the backend since I don’t really have a great solution for it long term (was thinking firebase since it’s free for smaller projects but I also don’t have a ton of faith in Google maintaining that service forever, perhaps some of the .NET guys on the forum could chime in on some options for hosting a backend where we don’t lose an arm and a leg beyond the development time).

Are you still wanting to develop this?

Ah sorry I had completely forgotten about this, it could still work as is but would be good to upgrade angular versions before adding much to it (still the data and structure with having things divided into services would still work fine).

The new angular versions use TypeScript and annotations on classes for defining components. One plus side of it not being DB driven is the deployment can happen to static web servers and keeps the cost at 0, downside being can’t really have a form that pushes a commit and creates a PR so getting new data in requires someone to at least be able to edit the JS files. Anyhow yah let me know if you’re interested in fleshing this out more, there’s a site that has lots of component lists so you can select all the parts and it can calculate a lot of the load and lift for RC aircraft, was hoping to eventually get something like that built into here.

@cfranci if you’d be interested in contributing on this let me know (also what you’d be interested in adding and relevant skills, nothing required just curious about background) and can probably ‘revive’ the project, looks like I didn’t define too many directives/components in the project yet so shouldn’t be too bad to make the upgrade to angular 7 (pretty sure that’s the latest).

I have also done a decent amount of VueJS work in the last year or I suppose could go with React but I’m less familiar (have only done 1 basic React site for the sake of learning it, used redux, redux-saga etc. etc., but yah just less familiar with that framework).

Vue has VueX, and Angular has NGRX that are roughly equivalent to redux (maybe not needed here but it’s a helpful pattern in general).

Also if you’re familiar with github and can figure out the project structure you can just put in PRs and I’ll merge (then travis.yml file has deploy instructions that build and copy to “pages” to show up on