Interest in CRonin Mount

can you get a shot next to some caliber 2’s?

competition is good right? :sunglasses:

Sure, but no comp lol

is it just me or does it look weird that the ronin logo is not centered properly?

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Yes, less than inspiring. The pivot cup is usually centered on the first leg of N, but instead here slightly to left of that. Bought straight from Ronin, so only Jimmy to blame I guess lol

Rolex vs Timex. Both show time, one just does it a hell of a lot nicer!

How is the mount coming along? Chomping at the bit to get this setup.

I feel you, sent him a message yesterday and he hasn’t gotten back to me yet. My new ride is sitting waiting and it’s just getting colder and colder outside, nerve wracking.

I feel bad for him though, the guy barely sleeps as it is and his head guy is out. If I don’t hear from him by morning I will reach out to him again.


Any updates?

Would it be possible to use a different machine shop?

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Still interested. @Chris1 any news from the shop?

Im still in the same spot I was a week ago. I think at this point I am going to give the project over to @longhairedboy and let him take it over. Time isnt on my side these days…

I as soon as I have the files for the bushing, I will get them to him so he can have them made up. I just dont have the time to dedicate to it at the moment. I have a machinist lined up and waiting for the files so he can get started, dealing with the first guy is killing me! Sorry again for all the waiting.

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Thanks for the update and for starting all of this. No worries, I know how busy life can get.

Excited that the project isn’t dead though!

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guess this is stuck? cant someone else mill your first aluminium mount prototype? thinking about starting to set up my DIY bamboo/fiberglas board now and worst case ill have to buy another alien mount. :confused:

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@longhairedboy are you still taking over on the mount?

Btw @whitepony how is your APS mount holding up? I am considering going that route.

its super dirty and you can see the hundreds of kilometers I put into it, but its holding up well. I even have a really thick dent in one of the APS motors from a road->sidewalk transition and the mount just took the impact like a man. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Actually that is a good point. I am using new Cronins for my next build. What should I use for dual mounts?.

I don’t have any Cronins yet, but I have been thinking of adapting my mount design for them. Didn’t want to steal this away from the op but I guess its time for alternatives.

I did sort of start this with the poll anyways… :thinking:

I’d be interested to see what you have

Edit: took a look at your clamps and they look nice but based on the designs they appear to reduce ground clearance quite a bit.

ordered aps mounts now - its actually quite cheap if you just buy the clamp and the motor part (in the parts section - sum is 50€). will add aluminium pipes to my new trucks next weekend i guess! :slight_smile:

My plan is to eventually switch over to a Ronin based drive train, so yeah, as much as i’m able to fiddle with this thing, i will be. When i do finally release the mounts they’ll most likely be open sourced however they end up turning out design wise.