I am anti-innovation & here is why

@guy guy- not sure that arc boards actually donated to vedder. They said “we are eyeing that donate button, if we have leftover money we might really donate!” Lol.

Or you know, @chaka and @onloop can do a royalty program where a certain percentage of the profit can be donated to Vedder directly? This isn’t rocket science, everyone wants to scream but no one except @onloop (although the idea does seem to be done halfheartedly) has anything to offer. At this point if Jason sells his VESC at cost people will still complain.

@onloop feels like you’re a very controversial figure in the DIY esk8 community. :neutral_face:


Curious how much of this “affiliate program” ended up compensating Mr. Vedder. Does it still exist?


Absolutely, the tooth fairy runs it aided and abetted by the Easter bunny

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