Horrible Communication By AlexTech

yea… embarrass the shit out of him on local news :joy:

I think the first part was a very reasonable and legitimate way of dealing with this. Someone in the area calls sheriff, sheriff talks to the kid. Kid gives you product (maybe), kid has a complete mental breakdown because he knows how much trouble hes in…


Oh god yes please have this happen. If I saw Alex getting busted on live TV I would be so happy. What if he ends up on that show, Scared Straight? Where the minors go to prison and get shown up by adult prisoners, good stuff.

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All, we’ve been working on resolving this issue in a private thread. It is time consuming to track down information, coordinate a response, and bring it to the right authority.

We are keeping the process private because we don’t want to threaten the outcome by making it public. The goals are to get everyone refunded, and to make sure AA does not scam anyone again.

I appreciate that everyone is frustrated, but those financially impacted are a part of the response.

I’m seeing jokes here about prison rape, and other direct actions that could perceived as threatening. We are dealing with a legal minor. Please keep that in mind. In the eyes of the law, he’s the same a twelve year old (no offense to any 12-year-olds).

At some point legal authorities might come and look through the forum. Do you know what will happen in court when they find threats of violence or assault here?.. They’ll impart empathy toward the minor being threatened by a bunch of grown men.

Please act like the stellar grown men that you are and go delete anything that could be perceived as a threat to a legal minor. Otherwise, you’re just making more work for us as we try to resolve it.


No violence suggested here Mr. Nutter


Just for the record, I NEVER advocate violence. :v::v:

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@psychotiller @Ulfberht thanks guys!


@treenutter I applaud your efforts to find a reasonable solution to this problem, but also find it appalling and utterly ridiculous that Alex still has his website up and is actively telling other members that he can or will sell them product. I’m not sure how far your talks have progressed with him or the adults representing him, but is it too much to ask that he take down his website and stop responding to people as if he is still running a legitimate business? As we’ve seen so far, even if he does deliver, it almost certainly will be a subpar, faulty or downright dangerous product, which will only result in more scammed victim’s and more issues for you to help resolve. His lack of respect and obvious morals, and his intent to continue to scam and deceive people infuriates me and I haven’t even purchased anything from him. :rage:


Thx @Mobutusan I agree. AA is not communicating with anyone through the forum and is prohibited from sales discussions here. We enforced that once the problem was identified.

It is a joke but not a joke, stuff like that happens in Juvi as well. We don’t put people like that in jail. It’s the system puts people like this is jail due to their own doing.

Much respect @treenutter for trying to work on this for the people here…but when is enough, ENOUGH? You guys have been working on this since June. Site is still up and he’s still obviously willing to take orders as they come through. I don’t know about you but looks like to me he’s giving the big “FUCK YOU” middle finger by still having an active site and zero response.

IMO you have been more than fair with him, including all the jokes and hate. Both ways to deal with a crappy situation weather involved or not. Although there are people here that have not purchased anything from him, he still affects us…it puts doubt in our head abt new vendors selling items, he conned our friends and still out to con more people…when and who is gonna stop him?

As a group you have had the proof of what this person is doing. You’ve had it. It’s OCTOBER and it’s not looking better.

Unless legal action is taken, I guarantee he hides out hoping you all go away.


Oh and let me add this scenario …

Let say…He reappeared and makes everyone whole.

Who really is ever gonna deal with him again?


Thx @Michaelinvegas and @Mobutusan I understand (and share) your frustrations… but I have to reiterate that we are working on the problem and progress is being made. If it feels like it is taking a long time, it’s most likely because we are not yet sharing our course of action publicly. If it’s not looking better, it’s because we aren’t posting the incremental steps we’ve taken.

This isn’t to be secretive or withholding from the community here; it’s to prevent any subversive actions AA or involved parties might take. It makes no sense to share or discuss the approach publicly.

Please everyone be patient. The problem is not being ignored. It takes time to properly prepare a defensible response and we are doing as well as we can.

Do you think I’m gonna “let it slide?” No way. We’ll have a good result eventually.



Oh the irony


@jmasta haha!

What really really sucks about this is that i had this whole thing planned out. I had this whole business model drawn up where i was going to just take a bunch of orders and not ship anything. Alex ruined that by soaking up my window of opportunity. Now I have to come up with a whole new flavor of kickstarter-then-bankrupt scheme where i buy 3D models of some things that will never be built from a stock art supplier, post them on a site with some clever language and take preorders for two years before i fake my death and move to Morocco.


Well you know how it is. You snooze you lose.


So, Alextech is taking his business to Georgia apparently.


ATL or Eastern Europe? If it’s the latter he better keep his customers sweet because they do not f**k about over there :slight_smile:

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I’m sure it’s just ATL.

I have friends there too and I’ll make sure they know to spread the word locally about his shit show.