Has anyone NOT had issues with the Winning Remote?

It’d probably be cheaper to buy through ali for you.

Yes I was about to order last night but wasn’t sure if it was the new iteration. And yes this was the same link too.

It is, they just haven’t taken a new photo for it.

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Is the benchwheel remote reliable? What about the speed modes, does it work and is it adjustable or how does it work?

never had signal issues with it, it’s been bulletproof so far. It has 100% or 50% throttle modes which will work differently depending on the control mode you use. On current control it will pretty much halve the acceleration.

On current control it’s just halve of acceleration or also half of full speed.

Current control will always try to bring the motors to full speed depending on the load. Doesn’t matter what remote you use. If current supplied overcomes load you’ll go 100% speed.

AN interesting observation…cut out issues when fully charged remote lesson as its discharged. Has anyone else experienced this? In other words mounted receiver outside the enclosure and use ferrite ring. Only have occasional cutting out with fresh charge…after charging the remote I now leaving it on for a half hour before riding. Maybe someone else can try and post results. LET me know if this helps anyone else.

Today I tested the GT2R receiver. It was easy to bind it with the winning remote. It works on channel 3. The receiver has only fail save on channel 2 but the vesc has a timout function, so when the signal is lost the vesc goes to 50% = 0 throttle.

In my case:

Winning remote and Winning receiver = 7 metres range Winning remote and receiver with extra antennas = 15 metres range Winning remote with extra antenna and GT2R receiver = 23 metres range


I’ve been using one over the last week and I would have said it was flawless… until today. Its trim settings changed on their own. It was at: Min 1.12 Max 2.17 now its at Min: 1.14 Max: 2.04

I have actually been really liking it until today :confused:

Today I tested the winning remote with GT2R receiver. Everything worked perfect till I came to a place (railway crossing gate) where I also had many times dropouts with the winning receiver. Now with GT2R receiver I had even more dropouts, so I changed back to the winning receiver and I hope I can change soon to Benchwheel and the problems will be solved.

Had my first issue with mine today…but I fixed it! :grinning: It only wanted to work and stay on when plugged in. Without power it would die, red light would go off, nothing. Cracked it open to find this inside…

A little solder later and…it works again!

The Winning remote is a scary beast. I’ve only been using it for two weeks and have almost dies from it about 100 times. Couldn’t do it so I ordered one of these (GT2B Mod) from @FLATLINEcustoms. It works everywhere that the Winning didn’t. I feel waaaay safer now!


I rarely have issues with my Winning remote, but I’m in a very rural area. There are a couple of spots where it consistently does not work, clearly interference. One of these spots is near a cellular tower; the remote doesn’t work for almost an entire block.

Today I have almost died 3 times with this remote. So I was riding at 20km/have and then suddenly the board just takes off from my feet ( luckily I wore a helmet and I there weren’t any cars around). Also when remote loses the connection for couple seconds and then restores it , the boards just flies off my feet (fukin hate that ). Does anyone know how can I do failsave? So that if the remote loses connection the board could just coast freely?

You need to correctly set up the remote/VESC so when you turn the remote off the throttle is centered.How did you initially set it up?

I belive I set it up correctly because when I turn off the romote the motor does not spin by itself. It used to that before but I fixed it.

When I ride there is some sort of lag between the remote and the reciver. When I throttle, the motor would not work for like a second and then when connection comes back it just gives instant boost to the motor and then I fall down lol.

What I mean is that he the board starts “drag racing” Which is so fukin dangerous. I am kinda scared to ride at higher speeds

Do you use a VESC? If the answer is yes then turn on the display in BLDC-Tool with remote on and see what happens when you turn off the remote. The display should show 50%.

I dont really understand what you mean. Yes I have a VESC

I mean you can see at the bar the throttle/brake range. When you turn off the remote the green bar should stay at 50%. With remote on the bar in trigger neutral also 50%. Full brake 0%, Full throttle 100%. If this is not correct you have to set the values of pulsewith in BLDC-Tool and failsafe (look in the manual of the remote).

For example: This is ackmaniacs version of BLDC Tool 2.52 so maybe yours looks different.

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