Has anyone NOT had issues with the Winning Remote?

If you touch that screw make sure to rebind to reset neutral throttle.


Definitely interested to hear how you cap the top speed…im considering doing the same while i get used to the raptor and test remote and whatnot

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Very important advice. Thank you

@Jinra benchwheel sent me this link https://m.aliexpress.com/item/32731985084.html?trace=wwwdetail2mobilesitedetail&productId=32731985084&productSubject=Electric-skateboard-refitting-parts-remote-control-bench-technology&spm=2114.01010208.3.1.Qy30XB&ws_ab_test=searchweb201556_10#autostay

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nice! :slight_smile:

Isn’t Miami selling the Benchwheel style remotes now? http://miamielectricboards.com/shop-1/?category=Remote

Never mind sold out

also an older revision

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The price here is lower than the wholesale price i was quoted, I’ll have to check with them on that.

Ive already bought one, ended up being 41usd incl shipping to New Zealand. I think I saw something about it taking 59 days to process though!

To quote something @Ackmaniac said to me yesterday, if it’s too powerful (using BLDC) “lower the Motor max to maybe 50 or 40. And if the overall power is too much then lower the Battery max to 20 or 15. Motor influences the acceleration especially at lower speeds and battery the top power.”

I’m planning on greatly reducing these numbers just while I do the testing to be extra safe, then once the connection is working flawlessly I’ll incrementally raise their values again. Glad this safety concept is catching on. If you have a Raptor Duel on order you’re going to be blown away by its power. I seriously underestimated it. With the more torquey boards/builds it’s definitely a smart idea I think. Safety first n all that :slight_smile: So I kinda turned my nose up to the idea of safety equipment tbh but after just one day’s riding my attitude has done a total 180. Get yourself some good pads n a helmet also - trust!


I’m having the same problems as well. It doesn’t look to be as bad as everybody else, but occasional losses in signal are happening. It’s a right pain in the arse, haven’t even been able to test my boards top speed yet for fear of being thrown off. I’ve tried every trick on this forum to fix it but to no avail.

If only the Maytech Steez would come out with a decent thumbstick design.

At this point, I’m just waiting for @onloop to finish up with the Nano X. Following that, my Winning remote will meet a swift end at the hands of the almighty Poseidon just as soon as I find a high enough cliff to throw it off.


How do you pair it or bind it?

RTFM for binding the remote. It is clearly written. :slight_smile:

Look at that:


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Going to try this! Had this issue yesterday. Thank got I was standing still at a red light

Is anyone experiencing the dropouts when passing directly in front of cell towers. I have two spots that I consistently lose connection on my way to work. its now become part the journey.

@harpie When I used the winning remote there were certain buildings that I would get drop outs consistently. Now I’m ready for drop outs when I go next to them with a new remote but don’t have such issues

Ok so update on the ferrite ring. Seems to bloody work :slight_smile: Untill now still no issues. I start to believe that this is the solution for not getting killed by the remote. Feeling very confident now :slight_smile:

I had extended antennas on both remote and receiver and ferrite rings all over my setup. I concluded it was not a signal issue for me, but more so a problem with the remote itself.

Just updating what I am experiencing now. My remote started a life on it’s own some times but now I have zerro issues.