progress [OFFERS ONLY]

okay 10char

sorry, they’re gone.

Anyone got 45A fuses an the resistors used in a vedder switch? Need one now but cant wait for china guys and local shops hasnt got stock

Let me know what shipping is to NY USA.

So keep it reserved for me as of now.

dude you’ve said that like 10 times… i think he gets the idea



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you could have 1 6s to 12s and I get the other.

I’ve got 40 and 50 amp fuses, your welcome to either just on me an address and I’ll drop it in an envelope tomorrow.

That’s not what the picture meant, but yeah.

So…good news & bad news. USPS didn’t pick up today, they dropped off almost 100 packages but couldn’t manage to pick up a 20lb box of outgoing. If the don’t pick up tomorrow I’ll just skate my happy rear end to the post office and drop them off myself like a frikkin cave man :blush:.

On the up side, I found some more stuff to give away.

On the left is Hi5ber LLC Board Bumper material

It’s only about 1/4in on the inside and doesn’t fit any of the dozen or so decks I have laying around, so 12 bucks down the drain. If you have a use for it PM me your address and I’ll get it shipped tomorrow, prolly $3 in the US.

On the right is an enclosure I got in eBay, don’t ask me why. It’s ugly as a bag of dries dog turds freezing deep.enough to carry groceries, but if you want it it’s yours. Just PM me your address and I’ll get it shipped tomorrow. Because if the size it won’t be cheap to ship, prolly around $13 in the US.

Edit: @Sapphirinia claimed the bumper. The enclosure is still up for grabs. If nobody claims it I might use it for a dog house or to cover my lawn mower up :blush:.


wanna be boosted board?

Naw, just always beating up the end of my decks and wanted to protect them, didn’t work out. It’s pretty cool stuff. Fairly hard rubber over an aluminum core, just not big enough in the inside.

lol was talking bout the enclosure. btw I also have a ton of that deck protector stuff 1/4”. deck is a lot thicker than that so can’t use it

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Ahh, it’s like what comes in a lot of the Chinese boards. I had the idea of using it on an inexpensive throw around boars that I loan out and stuff. But it’s 2 & 1/4 deep, I’d have to use the tires off my car to get any clearance :blush:

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holy fuck 2 1/4”! jesus christ haha

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Yeah, hence the "deep.enough to carry groceries’ remark :blush:

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Pics of the enclosure please, quite interested, any concave?

There’s just shy of 1/8 concave. Not much.

I would NOT recommend this thing, hence it’s free. I’f you want a good enclosure with built in concave and /or the ability to adjust the comcave check with @psychotiller. There’s also ither vendors around that make quality enclosures like @Eboosted.

You can have it if you want it, just wanna make sure I’m clear that it’s not good :blush: