Extended BLDC-TOOL with Watt Control Mode, PPM Cruise Control, individual Throttle-Curve and Android App

Yes, gear size pulley size are all correct. Magnet is correct. I don’t have issues with those calculated speeds, they seem accurate to me - it’s more that the GPS seems pretty far off. I definitely wasn’t going 38mph.

I see the delay in the data file and visualization - more of a concern is the much higher speeds reported. I see a lot of videos of board companies using these GPS overlays to show speeds and it just doesn’t seem very accurate to me.

Then I guess I have a error in the log files so that GPS shows km/h instead of mi/h. Will check that tomorrow.

I have the same issue - posted here

When you set the app to MPH it just changes a flag at the top of the CSV file, the web app is expecting a different value and tries to convert. Or something.

Quick fix set the app to kph then change the web site to mph.

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I’ll check this weekend which file it was. And report back

Isn’t it possible then to set the max_watt anymore?

Right, the maximum power ouput is then controlled by the battery max. It still works and feels very similar.

Hey, Im also using your Watt control Mode and the Installation Works perfectly. I only got one Problem with the app and its ability to change modes.

I set up a New Mode with the exact same parameters as the default mode except the speed (change to 6 kmh just to try it out). Everytime i try to change it to new Mode it go es back to the default mode. Even reconnecting doesnt help.

Do you have any idea how i can solve this?

Do you have the latest version of the app? Please have a look at Google play and check if there is a update

Yeah, i got the latest version according to the playstore (1.12) Do in have to set something up in the bldc tool before i can make Those changes?

And you also got the latest version of the firmware?

Should be 2.53 the fixed one, isn’t it?

Do you switch off the board, because if you do that you will have always the default mode. You can make the new mode to the default mode if it should stay.

Yes but I provided already w upgrades for this firmware. The latest one about a week ago. I will check later on if there could be a issue in the app. But I am pretty sure that it works with the newest versions. Version 2.54 is already on the way and should be ready in a couple of days.

And Yaca is absolutely right. To store the new settings you have to press longer on the mode box and the app will ask you of you want to set the actual settings as default.

No I’m not switching off anything, just trying to change the default mode to the custom mode ^^ with some reconnecting in between.

I had a reseting to default values issue again yesterday.

I changed some parameters make a reboot and motors did not spin, remote did not respond.

I guess rebooting is not a good idea when setting up you VESC parameters

At your new Mode did you choose at “Modes Setup” the mode for example “Watt no Rev. with Break”? If you forget this it appears “disabled” and so the new Mode doesn’t work.

@Eboosted i think i found the error for that in the code. But that is a issue from the original firmware. In my new version that comes in the next days i hope that this issue is a thing of the past.

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That’ll be awesome!

Yeah, I even did that. It seems that the app isn’t able to initialize the new mode

Please update the firmware to the latest version in the Dropbox link and try it again.