Even Uneven Dual Drive

Here is my plan/theory. Use a Tacon 245kv and SK3 260kv motor with slightly different gearing; 17/36 & 16/36, respectively, since I have both of these motors and could fit them both on one truck. Theoretically, I’m expecting it to run similar to a normal dual drive, but I’m not sure if there would be any issues with running this setup.

Has anyone else tried this type of even uneven setup or have any opinions or comments?


@lowGuido :eyes::point_up_2:t2:

yes I have built an uneven drive. I didn’t bother with different gearing ratios, just different KV. The end result was positive, there is no reason this wont work.

A post was merged into an existing topic: Uneven Dual Rear Drive

Cool, thanks. I was hoping it would work after seeing your results, but I wasn’t sure. Gotta go try it now.