EUROPE- motor,controller,pulley,wheel group buy

Yes, that price is pretty good, I would take more than one, just for backup! :slight_smile:

Ok well i can only get like max 15 of the pulley set

I’m in for 1, if possible. Can you put more belts for every set, though?

Yeah sure that will be no problem

What’s the final cost for the kit?

Ill calculate it in abit

£25 each for pulley kit - they are higher than i thought but i have a limited quantity. Still £10 cheaper than DIY’s

Hi, I would stick with 97mm dark blue ones and 2x pulley kit. Also, could you get some bearings as well ? How much would it be for those?

I can probably get some, they wont be any guarantee on how good they will be

If anyone wants to see a 3d model

Nevermind, will buy them from a local store.

Ok, take a look if you want

Anyone else want 6354 190Kv ,6374 190kv


Wait, wasn’t the 6374 190kv as well?

Looking at the ratio the pulleys would suit the 83mm and not the 97mm?

Hi, Can you mark me down for one of the 63/74 motors please. I’ll skip the wheels and pulleys this time, have far too many parts that I don’t use! Cheers Ben

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That’s right, 40T - 42T would be ideal for 97mm, but it’s not a big problem. Maybe @ajaynagra could tell us if there is possibility for 40T as well.

Yeah not 40T for this order, because i am ordering a sample so i cant get anything custom made

Shouldn’t be a problem when used with 149kv@12S tho.

@ajaynagra how much is it for the the mini remote?