eSkate Lights thread


Took the heads off tactical xml cree flashlights. Don’t rattle apart now lol. Wired to led driver dc to dc 1amp each…



Wow that is impressive.

1 Like This thing is tiny. Wire to your battery pack and put your xml cree in series…they also have this driver in less amps if you need it…



Thanks man. They definitely gets the job done. After soldering them to the driver in series I turned them on, set the distance of beam I like, then used hot glue to set the wires and beam spread in place by filling in the back of the head somewhat…

This is my 3d printed mount for a blitzu light and a gopro (or clone). STL available here.

I printed at 50% infill using ABS. It seems pretty tough. The light is not great for seeing stuff, but it’s definitely visible to oncoming traffic. The camera is pretty good, as good as my old Go Pro anyways.

This is the light and camera that I use. Blitzu 120H USB Rechargeable Bike Headlight Lightdow LD6000 (GoPro clone)


@Tampaesk8er here’'s the link

I just bought a pair of these. #profit


@Lsalt you just linked to the same thread… i have a feeling thats not what you intended to do…

@lowGuido yeah I just meant to tag tampaesk8er…but he was asking about my lights so when he clicks it it will bring him to the right spot in the thread at least

wow fake air force 1’s with lights… finally clones students have become the masters…:joy: now once they get down the auto laces, and we get around gravity we can finally have hoverboards too!


You know, at first it was a joke. But people see me from and that’s the whole point for me, the places I ride are lit up enough, but its still scary that nobody sees me. Now, I actually ride with these in the evening and night time and it works great! People always tell me they see me forever away. soooooo Maybe it’s a legitimate option for visibility .

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Those shoes are starting to grow on me. Might have to pick up a pair just to have. They look pretty good in white, and surprisingly not half bad in gold too. Lol


yea this is why I have multiple sets of lights on board. with under glow on rainbow fading effect everyone sees you and thinks wtf is that? :joy:

Finished assembling my headlights today, they’re definitely on the higher end of brightness for what I was going for.

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Don’t use the p clamps I suggested. Although strong lasted about 150 miles…here’s the solution

how big are those leds? I think they can fit some asymmetric lens on them they make a huge difference in getting the light out in font of you instead of 2feet in front of the board and in on coming drivers eyes…

I’m looking into lens’ right now, they’re Cree XP-G3’s. I actually need to dim them a bit as well I think, I jury rigged a little test fixture to hold when I rode around one night with the output at max and they were crazy bright.