General Carvon Thread - V3 - V4 SD - V4 XL and future products

New deck for the EXO?

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God I hope so. This would make my day.

EXO now also comes with a Landyachtz deck–the Ten Two Four. Plus, the EXO will also be equipped with both head and tail lights from Shredlights. These additions make the CARVON EXO the best bang-for-your-buck Electric Skateboard. Get your carve ON!


good move from Jerry. This is literally the best entry level board on the market. Given that later people can upgrade it with two vescs …pff …these should sell out quickly.

2 Maytech VESC and this,

Should fit perfectly.

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:eye:Be on the look out for V4 SpeedDrive XL with the bigger and lower kv motor of the v2.5 so you can ride in 107 style & comfort.


When is that coming out? 0_o take my money already!:money_mouth_face::money_mouth_face::money_mouth_face:

Not sure @Pr0dy. Of course this was born out of so many people asking abt the use of 107 super flys this past week or so

Lower KV is great, not sure if it should be bigger though. One of the perceived benefits of using 107mm is to get the motor higher off the ground.

Think longer…not girth

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OHH… will the axle be bigger than 12mm? Just curious because of all the steel problems lately and 2 other brands having axle breakages

Longer will increase the stealth factor too. Look more like a “fat truck” instead of “truck with motors”

They are different in design than all hubs. Carvons don’t suffer from that problem, never had.

Remember, people only worry about it because it’s happening to them and not Carvon.

They need to over come thier design to make that issue from not happening. Carvon doesn’t. Plain and simple.

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@b264 you need to visualize the differences between the two designs. Hubs and Direct Drive are similar but also different.

Hubs: They carry the weight of the rider because hubs are the wheels. So, they need to do be able to do two things, carry the rider and spin. So, they need to have stronger bearings to carry the riders weight. The motors are push out to the end of the trucks, which is more leverage, which causes the breakage.

Carvons: They do not carry the weight of the rider, cause they aren’t a wheel. All the motor need to do is spin. So, no downward stress happens to motor bearings. The wheel and truck carry the weight of the rider like a normal longboard truck. The motors are mounted closer to the center of the truck along the axle, which actually adds more support to the truck.

All I can say is to visualize the differences, then apply common sense. When you realize all the possible weak points in traditional hubs, you will realize that Carvons don’t have those weak points. The best most people can do is whine abt how close the motors are to the ground. Other than that …they got nothing.


Can we get broader axles? People upgrade to 107 wheels cause of stability and hesitate to upgrade cause of wheelbite. :thinking:

I dunno to be honest.

I need an ETA on those to get my wallet ready this time… Not missing any more chances to get my hands on Carvons direct drive

No wheel bite for me.


V4sd orig is 110kv, V4sd xl is 85kv

V4sd orig is 10 inches axle end to end, v4sd xl is 11 inches

V4sd orig axle is 12>10>8, v4sd xl is 12>10


The flip side of this is there’s less room for the motor, so it’s trade-offs. Amazing news about SD XL. Keep pushing him! Get us some news on the mini drives?

v4sd shaking out like v2/v2.5. Hmmm… Have you seen any prototypes of XL?

@DilatedPupils how sweet does that feel to ride?