California loses another rider

Well said mate

Iā€™ve been anal about it. My 3 year old daughter now refuses to get on her tricycle without a helmet


Itā€™s anything that moves really. I havenā€™t gotten him a penny board yet. Iā€™d make him wear it on the swing set if I could.

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All you guys. Stop friggen flagging posts on this thread. Discussion is healthy.


Who TF flags this stuff? Seriously, if you disagree move on or rebut.

Any discussion from any occurrence about safty and saving lives above all else is healthy. We are sad and feel frustrated when these things happen. We have all lost love ones and friends. From those unfortunate tragedies talking about it helps bring awareness, saves life. If one person puts in a helmet on because of this thread.

Then I see need to further this discussion


This is a terrible loss. This really hits home for me, this could have been any one of us.

I really hoped I wouldnā€™t have to read about anything like this happening againā€¦My condolences to his entire family.

Be safe out there guys.


Sorry - I flagged the posts as I felt the focus was moving away from what the thread meant to me, Another lost rider and more about the Man himself not the circumstances.

This is a forum and a community and Dave wants the discussion on his thread. Namasaki has unflagged them

I am ALL for helmets - am considering wearing my full face more often now as itā€™s the little unexpected moments that will get you. When I started my first trade one of the first things we went through was health and safety. Part of that was viewing some rather graphic images and videos of workplace injuries. Confronting and helped to get a 17 year olds head focused. Maybe a sticky is a good idea, before anyone can post they have to read it, watch a vid whatever so they know the risks.

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Now that I think about it, me flagging those posts was kinda like the NRA after a mass shooting saying this is not the time to be talking about gun control. No disrespect meant to anyone and am really sorry for Randys family.


His family is taking the time from this tragedy to also tell everyone to wear their helmets.

But I think the biggest issue is not the community here not wearing helmets, but the fact that the companies selling pre-builts are not bothering to show their own riders with helmets, and in a way they are encouraging the whole ā€˜donā€™t wear a helmet cause it isnā€™t necessaryā€™ bit.

Majority here take helmet safety pretty seriously, especially since what happened with Derek and @runplaybackā€™s friend.


BaD guns right? You defeated the purpose of this thread by bringing up an irrelevant topic.

Bringing up use of helmets has to happen. Increased speeds put us into the realm of obvious danger. Youā€™re never going to see a law that says a grown ass adult has to wear a helmet. You even have states like Michigan which repealed helmet laws for motorcycles.

Some of you guys have completely ruined this post.

Bring awareness to helmet use and helmet safety.

Donā€™t talk about guns and forcing people to wear helmets by making more laws that take away your freedom.

You put the information out there, let people see the reprocutions from not wearing safety gear. Then individuals get to decide the level of safety they wear while riding.

By all means, continue posting about helmets can save lives. Even hitting a solid object (truck) @25 wearing a full face helmet still has the potential to kill you.

Iā€™d be dead if I wasnā€™t wearing a helmet, and Iā€™m a big fan of people wearing them.


wow - feel better ? good. now go donate $20 to Randyā€™s poor family like I did.

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True, but in a way the Regulation is already in place with some exceptions, but in 99% of cases itā€™s illegal to use it in public. So their asses are covered.

My condolences to Randyā€™s family, we will remember.

Donatedā€¦please, everyone else donate too. This will be the most difficult time in his familyā€™s life and a few bucks will make all of the difference.


That particular suggestion is impractical. I will soon be on my 4th board, does that mean Iā€™d have to pay for 4 helmets and pads involuntarily, that I would not be using because I have chosen to buy better ones anyway? I agree that they should include very obvious warnings though but I canā€™t see anything else that they can do that would not be over the top.

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You pay for seatbelts and airbags in every car, regardless of whether you want them or not.

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Lol, yes because you canā€™t remove the seatbelt and airbags to use on another car. Making you buy an entire new helmet for every eskate is completely idiotic.

I think people need to ride an eskate the way that smart motorcyclists ride - scanning ahead, looking for danger and riding defensively at all times. I ride a motorcycle and I assume every car driver doesnā€™t see me and ride accordingly. If I see a car signaling to turn left in front of me ahead, I assume he might not see me and I slow down, ready to swerve or break in case he doesnā€™t. After years of riding, I havenā€™t crashed. Iā€™ve had nearly daily close calls ALMOST hitting inattentive cars, but so far, so good. Iā€™ve never, ever been complacent riding a motorcycle.

I think the same strategy should be applied to eskates. Never be complacent. Always be paranoid of the dangers of riding. Always consider your speed in relation to the road and obstacles around you. If your board suddenly threw you, would you hit that telephone pole or parked car dead on? Ride defensively at all times.

A helmet should be your last, final line of defenseā€¦well, because it literally is.


One size fits most in this case. My stepmom is 4ā€™10", she sits so close to the steering wheel to reach the pedals that airbag going off directly in front of her has no place to expand.

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Have shared this on every evolve facebook group I am in - one sad face and it looks like zero donations given.

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Has evolve addressed this? Even if they are not liable it would be nice to see recognition.